I understand how expensive life gets and that is why my pricing is as flexible as possible to cater to every situation.
I offer:
A monthly retainer service - This gives you peace of mind and I take over anything you need from booking appointments , liaising with artisans, checking any post you receive that you don't understand, annual French tax returns, CAF and health issues, local tax issues, business returns if you have a micro/auto business. To sum it up, anything you need aside from legal help and planning permission which are charged at a supplementary fee.
This can be paid on a monthly direct debit, in full for the year or every three months, again to suit your situation and there is no minimum time so you are free to stop this when you wish.
Hourly rate - This is for video zoom calls, investigative work that I cannot give a fee for, or I will keep a log of time worked and invoice at check points.
Translation work - All translations will be quoted on an individual basis once details have been provided by the client.
Ad hoc basis - Tasks such as driving licences, car re registrations, capital gains, tax calculations etc.. will be quoted on an individual basis once details have been received of what is required.